Monthly Archives: January 2019

Ecoplugs in action on Fleet Pond island

This short film shows how the team are using Ecoplugs to control tree growth on islands in Fleet Pond.

When you cut down leaf trees, they quickly start to sprout again. An Ecoplug provides an effective way to deal with this. By inserting the plug into a stump, you can kill the tree and stop regrowth.

Ecoplugs reduce the use of chemicals by 90% compared to traditional methods of treating felled leaf trees.

Here the team are using them to control tree growth on one of the islands. They’re applying Ecoplugs to fresh wood immediately after felling. The plan is to prevent regrowth and allow reeds to become established on the island.

Conservation work at Sandy Bay


This week the team has been cutting back scrub and bramble along the Gelvert Stream as it runs into Sandy Bay. The left bank has been left with cover.

Controlling scrub in this area will allow different types of plants to grow, and by letting light on the water, we can try and increase the diversity of aquatic plants in the stream.

Come Spring, we will see plenty of new growth.
