
About Fleet Pond

Fleet Pond is the largest freshwater lake in Hampshire. The nature reserve has 141 acres (57ha) of varied habitats including heathland, woodland, reedbed and marsh, and is home for many species of birds, butterflies, dragonflies and wild flowers. The Pond itself is 52 acres (21ha) so covers some 35% of the total area of the reserve.  Most of reserve (48acres) is designated as Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) because of the diversity of flora and fauna.  Only Wood Lane Heath has not yet benefited from this designation but is a Site of Importance to Nature Conservation (SINC).  Brookly Wood was added to the Local Nature Reserve status in 1977.   The whole area was notified a Local Nature Reserve in 1977 bringing further protection and helping to define its role as a valuable local amenity.

Our new guide leaflet is now available at Fleet Library and from the FPS Chairman. It was sponsored by Neale Turk Solicitors, Fleet
Our new guide leaflet is now available at Fleet Library and from the FPS Chairman. It was sponsored by Neale Turk LLP, Fleet

The reserve is an important part of British heritage and deserves our help to protect it.   Watch our video, narrated by Chris Packham in 2010, which explains why Fleet Pond is so important.   This video launched the Clearwater Campaign aimed at increasing awareness of the threats and seeking help to defend the SSSI protection this area needs.  The subsequent videos will tell you of the achievements made so far. You can view all the videos here

Fleet Pond is owned by Hart District Council and managed in partnership between Hart Countryside Service and Fleet Pond Society, which provides generous voluntary support to the Countryside Rangers as well as offering exciting volunteer opportunities for the local community.

The Fleet Pond Restoration Project is run in partnership between Hart District Council, Fleet Pond Society, Natural England and the Environment Agency. The work to further restore Fleet Pond Nature Reserve to a healthier and more valuable amenity for wildlife and people continues.

We are proud to announce that Fleet Pond achieved the Green Flag status once again in 2023.

Green Flag Logo


See the following link for details about Fleet Pond on the Hart Council website. HDC – Fleet Pond

For further details on the location of Fleet Pond, accessibility, parking and directions,   see Visit Fleet Pond.

About the Fleet Pond Society

Fleet Pond Society (FPS) is the voluntary group that exists to protect and manage Fleet Pond Nature Reserve.  From our birth on 28th April 1976 up to the formation of the Hart Countryside Service in 1994, virtually all management was by volunteers under FPS guidance.

Our readiness to seek advice and expert guidance on the conservation management of a Site of Special Scientific Interest earned us the respect of Natural England, the controlling body for important wildlife sites. Today we work in a close and positive relationship with the Hart District Council Countryside Rangers to ensure best use is made of the voluntary resources FPS can provide.

Our volunteers work to maintain the diversity of wildlife habitat at the Reserve. This includes keeping the open heath and marsh areas free of invasive species; clearing footpaths of overhanging vegetation; repairing fences and strengthening the banks of streams against erosion.

Some of our donation and sponsorship funds have provided new facilities for the public, including a pond dipping platform, bench seats along footpaths and the popular viewing area, ‘Lions’ View’, on the eastern side of the Pond.

The Society relies for its income on a healthy membership that supports it through an annual subscription.  Local people and organisations have made donations recognising the value of Fleet Pond as a safe haven for wildlife and a valuable community amenity for visitors from Fleet and the adjacent towns.

FPS has also benefited from money raised through sponsored walks and cycle rides. Fleet Carnival Committee, Fleet Morning Townswomen’s Guild, Neale Turk LLP and Fleet Lions Club are some recent examples of organisations sponsoring specific projects.