Volunteers are always welcome at our weekly Friday sessions where we carry out a variety of tasks from repairing pathways to clearing saplings from the dry heath and a myriad of tasks in-between.
To join our Friday group, please contact volunteers@fleetpond.org.uk
Sunday volunteering sessions are run by Hart Countryside Rangers. To join, volunteers must complete the Hart online form through this link www.hart.gov.uk/volunteering Once your form has been submitted, you will be sent details of the events planned on all the Hart Countryside sites. Volunteers should then email countryside@hart.gov.uk to notify the Rangers of their wish to attend the session at Fleet Pond.
Click on the photos for larger versions and a gallery showing some of our volunteers in action.
There are opportunities for corporate groups or local organisations such as Scouts and Guides to have a separate session. For further information, please see Educational Visits
Click on the photos for larger versions and a gallery showing some more photographs of our volunteers in action.
Helping Fleet Pond Society
The society can provide opportunities for volunteering in less heavy manual work. On occasions during the year FPS are invited to have display and recruitment stands at local events. This involves talking to people about FPS and its work, explaining about membership and how it helps the society to survive or selling small gifts or play items designed for children. Magnifying viewers, sticker sets, pens and erasers, are examples.
There will be the occasional need to replace a Committee Member who is stepping down or for someone to be co-opted for a limited period for a specific task.
If you would like to be considered for the Committee or just to provide occasional help without a long term commitment, please give your name and contact details to be added to a short list of willing helpers and you will be contacted when a need arises. Write or e-mail to Chairman at chairman@fleetpond.org.uk