Cormorants at Fleet Pond (photo courtesy of Barry Perfect)
David Pottinger writes:
Here’s my selection of photos that were published on this blog during 2015. They are mostly in chronological order, January to December.
They illustrate some of the many ways in which Fleet Pond Society (FPS) benefits and interacts with the local community and, as you can see, a lot more goes on than you might imagine! If you’d like more details of any of the activities, you can track down the original articles via the blog search box on the top rhs.
An impressive panoramic view of Fleet Pond (by Dineshraj Goomany)
If you’d like to support FPS, please consider joining, it’s just £10 a year (with the newsletter emailed) or £15 via post (see here).
Membership fees help us carry out a wide variety of tasks that extend and complement those carried out by Hart Countryside Services. In addition to this, we also greatly appreciate the funds and services kindly provided by a number of local organisations and companies.
On the theme of pictures, please note that the deadline for the FPS Photographic Competition for 2015 is fast approaching – Friday 8 January 2016. You can find the details here. Best of luck!
The Co-op Shop in Kings Road raised £550 for FPS’s Clearwater Project
The FPS Volunteer of the Year for 2014 was Hart Ranger Rachel Jones
The impressive results of the FPS Photographic Competition for 2014
The Competition and Rosebowl Winner by Terry Austin (see also preceding picture)
Cathy Holden (FPS Press Officer) with Colin Gray (FPS Chairman) at one of the popular Sunday Volunteer Events
Members of Mackenzie Smith participated in the Fleet Half-Marathon on behalf of FPS raising £542
Young ‘Beavers’ enjoying Fleet Pond
The popular FPS stand at the Fleet Pond Wildlife Day in May
Bridge building by FPS volunteers – complicated stuff!
The final product – The Golden Gray Bridge
The participating FPS team at Fleet Carnival (1st Place, Best Walking Float)
Raising money, by fair means or fowl…
A fascinating old photo of a (military) bridge at Fleet Pond acquired by FPS
Bird ringing on an island at the Pond
An attractive new website for FPS – take a look here
A surfeit of fish!
Trekking for FPS in Cambodia and raising £596
Brilliant 🙂