Male And Female Reed Buntings
Colin Gray writes:
“Now is a very good time to look out for the visiting finches.
Siskins will be feeding on the seeds of alder and birch high up in the tree canopy. A good spot is by the bridge over the Brookly Stream where the alders are tall and packed with their tiny “cones” full of seeds. Siskins “twitter” all the time they are feeding.
Look out for flocks of finches feeding among the leaf litter and in particular the Chaffinches as with them you might be lucky enough to see a Brambling or two.
If you live near the Pond your bird table might attract Reed Buntings. The males are now in full summer plumage with their black faces and smart white moustaches set off against their striped chestnut wings.”
Please also see here (siskins and redwings) and here (siskins and redpolls).
Picture credit here.