A Holly Blue
Peter Martin writes:
I hope you find the “Butterfly of the Month” articles for April to September interesting. The hot and sunny weather we have had so far this spring has resulted in earlier than usual sightings of a number of butterfly species.
My first Brimstone was seen on 24th February, a Small Tortoiseshell on 23rd March, a Small White on 4th April, an Orange Tip on the 6th, a Holly Blue on the 8th and a Comma and Large White on the 19th April.
This must be an Orange Tip year, as I cannot recollect having seen so many during the past fortnight in any year previously. I have even had one lay an egg on an Honesty plant in our garden. Although very small, the egg is lenticular in shape and an orange colour, which made it easy to spot.
Keep a watchful eye open for these and other butterflies whilst walking around Fleet Pond.
Picture credit: UK Butterflies