The next volunteer event is a week this Sunday, 8 February 2015.
For this event, Colin Gray, Chairman of Fleet Pond Society (FPS), writes:
“The task will be directed at reducing holly growth in the woodland fringes around Guildford Road access point. Holly develops thick cover which shades out the diversity of ground flora so it needs to be thinned to maintain the diverse ground plant life.
Holly is also (as you know) very prickly stuff to handle so please ensure your arms are covered and avoid scratching your (or anyone else’s) face. There are some people who react to holly scratches with a rash so care is important.
Please register with Rachel well in advance of the day to ensure we load enough tools, email or phone 01252 623443.
Rachel is a busy ranger, so the sooner she can compile her list the happier she is.
Hope to see you there rain, sun or snow!”
A reminder will be given on this blog next week and some information on the previous task (in January) is available here.