The Fujitsu team at Fleet Pond
Rachel Jones, Hart Countryside Ranger, writes:
“A group of Fujitsu employees came out for their annual team day to Fleet Pond on Monday 20 January. They helped us clear pine saplings off the heath, an important part of the conservation work there.
Wood Lane heath is a ‘wet heath’ that was designated a Site of Importance for Nature Conservation because of its heathland vegetation and it’s notable species.
Lowland heathland is classed as a priority habitat under the UK Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP). Fleet Pond Local Nature Reserve/SSSI has small areas of this habitat that has nationally suffered great decline in the last 200 years.
As well as a specific grazing regime, work by volunteers is needed to keep control of the pine tree saplings that threaten to take over the heath from the surrounding woodland.
A beautifully clear start to the day (if a little cold)
The photographs show the start of the morning which was beautiful but cold! Before everyone headed off for lunch, enormous progress was made clearing the majority of the saplings.
Thank you to the team, and their leader Carol Dunford, for all the good work carried out. Most of the volunteers had not been to the area before and travelled from London and Ealing, oh and Kings Road, Fleet!”