Sunday 13 April – Weaving Willow

2014-04-13_02 sm

Weaving willow around poles on the bank to reduce erosion

Rachel Jones, the Countryside Ranger, says:

“A fun day was had by all on Sunday with so many hard working volunteers. We had a nice mix of jobs to do so we split up into teams. We collected brash along the foot paths, patched up fences, repaired eroding banks and painted part of the new view point.

Of course there was also a bonfire to get rid of all the excess!  A lovely sunny day and a great turn out, thank you all”


Letting passers-by know what we’re doing

David Pottinger writes:

On our Sunday volunteer days, a lot of walkers and visitors to the Pond ask about what we’re doing and who we, Fleet Pond Society (FPS), are. As each monthly activity is different, we’ve decided to use a whiteboard to give some information on the job in hand. There are also leaflets on Fleet Pond and FPS to take away.

Of course, new members are always very welcome! Please see here for how to join FPS (it’s just £10 a year, plus £5 extra for postage if you prefer hardcopy of the newsletters).


Sandy Bay on the blue skies Sunday

Photos: Rachel Jones (top) and David Pottinger



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