There will be a volunteer event at Fleet Pond this coming Sunday and all are welcome to attend (see below for registering).
Colin Gray, Chairman of Fleet Pond Society, writes:
“On Sunday we will be doing some more repairs to the banks of the Gelvert Stream.
Please assemble at the Countryside Workshop, Old Pump House Close, Fleet, GU51 3DN at 9.00 a.m. for a 9.15 start. The nearest access point, if you do not come to the workshop, is Guildford Road.
As usual we will have tea, coffee and chocolate available but please bring your own cold drink. Some volunteers will need wellies and others can work from the bankside.
If this hot rather muggy weather continues, you might be wise to bring insect repellent with you as our mosquitos can get a bit hungry. Those who do not bother with insect repellent can comfort themselves that our bats will enjoy some good, fat mosquitos for supper.”
For further information and booking for this event (which is essential as tools and resources have to be planned beforehand), please contact Hart Countryside Services:
Phone: 01252 623443 Email:
The Sunday volunteer tasks are supervised by a Hart Countryside Ranger, Nick Macfarlane, together with members of Fleet Pond Society.