Volunteer Event This Sunday, 8 March

David Pottinger writes:

There will be a volunteer event this Sunday, 8 March at Fleet Pond.

Why not come along for some fresh air and exercise, as well as having the nice feeling that you’re doing something really useful for the local community?

Colin Gray, Chairman of FPS, writes:

Ranger Rachel has designated stream bank repairs along the Gelvert Stream as the task for 8th March. Those of you with wellies, please wear them as some splashing about in the stream will be required. There will be drier on-bank tasks as well if you do not have wellies.”

For further information and booking (which is essential as tools and resources have to be planned beforehand), please contact Hart Countryside Services:

Phone: 01252 623443
Email: countryside@hart.gov.uk

The tasks are supervised by a Hart Countryside Ranger together with members of Fleet Pond Society (FPS).

To get a flavour of our activities, here are some photos from the previous Sunday volunteer event, held on 8 February. As you can see, these events are good fun and quite popular!

2015-02-08 Sunday Vols 1s

2015-02-08 Sunday Vols 2s

2015-02-08 Sunday Vols 4s

2015-02-08 Sunday Vols 3s

Picture credits: Carol Dunford


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