Off to work we go…
David Pottinger writes:
Here’s yet another example of the really useful sort of volunteer work that Fleet Pond Society (FPS) get involved in. The boards on the new and popular dipping platform had a minor defect and needed to be replaced. As you can see from the pictures above and below, everyone got stuck in and the platform is now right as rain.
You can read on this blog the enormous variety of tasks that FPS carry out to the benefit of the local community as well as visitors from further afield.
If you’d like to support our activities, you can do this by joining FPS (which is from a modest £10 a year), please see here for details.
You could also participate in a volunteer event of your choosing, many are held throughout the year and are widely advertised (blog posts, tweets, notice boards etc). We like to think we’re a very sociable bunch and new volunteers are always very welcome! The latest list of Sunday volunteer events can be found in the preceding post (here).
You could also suggest that your company has a volunteer event at the pond. It’s very impressive just how much can be done when a group of enthusiastic people get together!
If you would like further information, please contact Colin Gray, Chairman of FPS, who will be delighted to hear from you:
Colin Gray, 14 Kenilworth Road, Fleet, Hampshire GU51 3DA
Tel: 01252 616183
Getting down to it…
Photo credits: top (Rachel Jones) and bottom (David Pottinger).
What were the minor defects ? Did it cost any money to put right ?
Hi Aaron
Thanks for asking.
The non-slip treatment on the top of the original boards had not set properly and was melting in the sun. We contacted the supplier who agreed to replace all the boards, free of charge, with boards with the correctly hardened non-slip treatment. We supplied the manpower to change the boards, as we had done for making the platform in the first place.