Cathy Holden writes:
The competition was organised this year by Society member, Evelyn Auld. The judge was Mike Wilbraham, a retired biology teacher and an amateur wild-life photographer of many years’ experience. The theme of the 2015 competition was ‘Nature’s Neighbourhood’.
Here are some interesting general comments provided by the judge, Mike Wilbraham:
“The quality of the entries was very good, ranging from technically precise compositions to simple snaps. It was difficult to judge or even try to shortlist the entries so I concentrated upon the notion of “nature’s neighbourhood” as given in the competition advertising. Interpretation is entirely subjective so I do hope if entrants did not get commended or win they are not put off entering again next year.
Some excellent action shots of the bird life were entered and from a photographic and technical point of view they were superb, some more than others hinted at the “neighbourhood” aspect of the competition.
Landscapes of the pond in daylight and evening sunsets were also popular some of which would not be out of place framed on a living room wall and were of good quality, some more than others yet again hinted at the “neighbourhood” aspect.
I chose the commended photographs and eventually the winner by considering if the photograph would enthuse others to visit the pond. Would I see these sights if I were to wander around the pond? Can I imagine how close to a large town and a mainline railway the pond is situated? Is this indeed nature’s neighbourhood?”
The results of the photographic competition for 2015, which were announced at the recent AGM, are as follows (please note that the resolution of the pictures has been reduced for publication on the blog):
Winner: Vicki Jull
A lovely composition, showing “nature’s neighbourhood”.
The photographer took advantage of the opportunity to capture the Heron as it sat on the bridge. There is no vigorous action or subtle hues or mists but a straight forward record of what the viewer saw. This is a clear indication of how nature and humans can get along together with the Heron “owning” the bridge. The background of woodland and the foreground of water indicate the ecological diversity around Fleet pond. It encourages us all even with a humble camera phone to get out and record the environment around us.
The next six photos were all ‘Commended’ by the judge:
Lynn Linn:
A delightful atmospheric shot showing our close association with nature, the misty mood in the background and the dappled reflection show Fleet pond at its best.
Colin Gray:
A cheery family photograph showing nature but also the hint of human activity. Bright and heart-warming.
Micheal Carrington:
A moody, mysterious touch to this photograph. The mixture of colours and hints of mist suggest somewhere exotic, but is it is here in our own town- something we should be proud of.
Diane Ford:
A nicely framed photograph of the gull showing nature’s interface with the human environment.
Ken Sutherland:
A different view of Fleet pond, the reflection of the light points to the foreground where the birds are feeding. Suggesting the end of a busy day for it’s inhabitants.
John Fletcher:
Excellent reflections and very crisp focus. The composition suggests peacefulness with still water and the colours give warmth. Overall, a feeling of nature at its best.
People’s Choice – Max Stevens:
This was voted as ‘People’s Choice’ by all those who attended the AGM, after they had looked at all the competition entries.
The Next Competition:
The 2016 competition has already been announced and has the theme, ‘Seasons’.
- Entry is open to all amateur photographers
- No entry fee
- All entries must be received by 8th January 2017
- “Photographer of the Year” will receive the annually awarded Rose Bowl donated by Fleet Photographic
- All photographs must have been taken at Fleet Pond Nature Reserve (however please note that the taking of photographs using drones or aerial cameras is prohibited)
- Up to 4 photographs per person
- All photographs may be used by FPS for any purpose it chooses
Send photos by email to
All photographs received will be acknowledged and winners will be announced at the FPS AGM February 2017.
The above competition details are also available on the Society’s website together with pictures of winning and commended photos from previous years.
Best of luck!
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