Baby Toad Found In The Leaf Litter
Colin Gray writes:
Fleet Pond volunteers returned to Fugelmere Marsh for the October task to extend the clearance of alder and sallow scrub. This large open marsh has become a small forest of regenerating scrub; some almost young trees now. It was a damp day so the volunteers were open to muddy water below and drizzling rain from above ensuring we were all very wet at the end of the day. Never the less a lot was achieved and the volunteers have opened a wide vista across the marsh to the reedbed beyond.
David Buckler, leader for the day, has a herbicide license and was able to treat a lot of the scrub stumps which will hopefully constrain further regeneration. Herbicide has usually been around 60% successful thus reducing manual labour in following seasons.
Photo credit: Michelle Salter (taken at the related volunteer event on Sunday 13 September).
I am a volunteer for the Warwickshire council and we have a tiresome job clearing the sallow scrub from the marshland areas in nuneaton. It is good to hear other groups carrying out the same work.