Volunteer Event This Sunday, 14 September

David Pottinger writes:

There will be a volunteer event this Sunday, 14 September at Fleet Pond, the start of a series of events for 2014-15.

Why not come along for some fresh air and exercise, as well as having the nice feeling that you’re doing something really useful for the local community?

For further information and booking (which is essential as tools and resources have to be planned beforehand), please contact Hart Countryside Services:

Phone: 01252 623443

Email: countryside@hart.gov.uk

The schedule for the following Sunday volunteer events (up to the end of 2014) is:

  • Sunday 12th October
  • Sunday 2nd November (so as not to clash with Remembrance Sunday)
  • Sunday 14th December

In general terms, and naturally depending on weather conditions, the aim of the first few tasks is to clear N E Marsh from Boathouse Corner through to the Lions’ View (clearance and thinning of trees and scrub).

The tasks are supervised by Rachel Jones of Hart Countryside Rangers together with members of Fleet Pond Society.

If you are new to these activities, here are some pictures from previous events to give you an idea of what they can be like.

As you can see, we have all age groups with both genders and we like to think we’re a very friendly and welcoming bunch! Why not give it a go?


You always get coffee and cakes as part of a mid-morning break and sometimes you get delicious baked potatoes as a special treat at the end!





2013-12-08_The Firemen


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