Volunteer Event This Sunday, 8 January


There will be a volunteer event at Fleet Pond this coming Sunday and all are welcome to attend (see below for registering). As a taster, pictures from previous events are given above and below.

Colin Gray, Chairman of Fleet Pond Society, writes:

“We start 2017 with a task to widen the corridor between Wood Lane Heath and Fugelmere Marsh with some thinning of Bog Myrtle bushes and removal of birch seedlings and saplings. This will be a rather wet task as recent rain has made the soil even soggier in this low lying zone between two moist habitats. I highly recommend wellington boots. We can loan a pair if you do not have your own but our range of sizes is a bit limited.”

For further information and booking for this event (which is essential as tools and resources have to be planned beforehand), please contact Hart Countryside Services:

Phone: 01252 623443
 Email: countryside@hart.gov.uk

The Sunday volunteer tasks are supervised by a Hart Countryside Ranger, Nick Macfarlane, together with members of Fleet Pond Society.

A full listing of the Sunday volunteer events for the 2016/17 season can be found here. Why not give it a go?

2015-02-08 Sunday Vols 2s

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