Warning – Temporary Unpleasant Odours At The Pond


Colin Gray writes:

“The contractors have started work on the two large temporary islands in Brookly Bay (see pictures above and below). Once built, these islands will be used to store further extracted silt until it dries sufficiently to be removed by barge to Boathouse Corner and then transported to Bramshot Wood for use in a heathland restoration project.

The extensive silt dredging in Brookly Bay will stir up a lot of methane and other unpleasant smelling gases which have been forming in the rotting vegetation that makes up most of the silt in Brookly Bay.  These are harmless but will create unpleasant smells for visitors. The prevailing westerly wind should ensure most of this smell will be carried away across the Pond but an easterly or south-easterly wind could carry these smells over residents in Brookly Gardens, Avondale Road and adjacent roads. Warning notices and leaflets for local residents are being prepared.

The stakeholders in the Fleet Pond Restoration Programme (Hart District Council, Fleet Pond Society, Natural England and the Environment Agency) would like to apologise to local residents for any unpleasantness they suffer over the next month or two while the silt is dredged and left to dry.”

This issue has also been communicated on the Countryside Service Blog.

If you require more information, please email the Countryside Rangers at countryside@hart.gov.uk or phone 01252 623443.


Photo credits: Colin Gray

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