Colin Gray (pictured above), Chairman of Fleet Pond Society, writes:
“To support Fleet Pond Society’s Clearwater Campaign towards the restoration of Fleet Pond, I aim to do a circular walk to as many wildlife important sites as possible within one day. The sites will include Sites of Special Scientific Interest, Local Nature Reserves, Sites of Importance for Conservation and Special Protection Areas (a map of the route is given below).
As 2013 is my 75th year I felt it was about time that I left my desktop for a while, stopped going on about Fleet Pond and went out in the open air to raise some money for my favourite nature reserve. The walk covers at least 21 miles including open country, footpaths, canal towpaths and minor roads.”
The walk is scheduled for Sunday 22 September 2013.
To donate, please go the Virgin Money Giving page here.
The route map – 21 miles is a long way!
Further information on the walk can be found here.