Joanna Lawrence, the Fleet Pond Ranger, would like to bring to your attention the start of the Closed Fishing Season at Fleet Pond.
Here is the information:
The closed fishing season runs from the 15th March to the 15th June every year and is implemented by the Environment Agency. If anyone is caught fishing during this period they can be fined up to £2500 by the Environment Agency.
The purpose of the closed season is to protect fisheries during the breeding season and allow the fish stocks to recover. Although the closed season usually only applies to rivers and streams, some still waters which are designated Sites of Special Scientific Interest, such as Fleet Pond, are also included to protect wildlife conservation interests.
The season opens again on Tuesday 16th June. Permits are required to fish at Fleet Pond and these will be available from “Tackle Up” on Fleet Road and from the Rangers workshop. An Environment Agency Rod Licence is also required by law and these can be obtained from the Post Office or from the Environment Agency website.